This listing is intended as an introduction and reference guide to materials available on the internet that are relevant to plant conservation in Australia. Additional information may be found by using internet search tools, such as Google and its derivatives.
If you would like to link your organisation to the Directory, or to advertise your plant conservation event, please contact us.
Threatened species and communities
Lists of threatened plant species – Australian; global
Lists of ecological communities
Photographs of rare or threatened plants
General plant and biodiversity information: Australian, global, specific plant families and groups, weeds
Directories and databases
Legal Frameworks
Australian legislation
International conventions
National strategies
Australian national
Australian State, Territory, regional & local
Botanic Gardens and Herbaria
ANPC Conferences
ANPC workshops & courses
Other Resources
Directories and databases
Funding and grants
Listservers (email subscriptions)
- EE-Link: Endangered Species is a US based endangered species information and includes international information.
- IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants is a database of 33,798 taxa worldwide.
- Tree Conservation Information Service. The WCMC has identified over 8000 tree species which are threatened with extinction at the global level and others of conservation concern.
- The Australian Plant Image Index is a national collection of photographs of Australia’s flora. It contains portraits of plant flowers, as well as photographs of fruit, bark, shrubs or whole trees and non-flowering plants (mosses, lichens etc).
- Orchid Species on the NSW North Coast allows the identification of orchid species found in NSW Northern Rivers region.
- Tasmania’s Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment has produced a CD (available on line or by post) containing listing statements, note sheets and colour pictures of Tasmania’s threatened flora
Plant Identification Resources
Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants
Australian Tropical Rainforest Orchids
Rainforest Plants of Australia – Rockhampton to Victoria
- List of botanical databases contains listings of Australian national, state, herbarium and specialised databases, many accessible on the web.
- Flora of Australia Online – Australian Biological Resources Study on line database.
- Australian Biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism promotes scientific and technical cooperation at all levels among Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Also facilitates access to and exchange of biodiversity information around the world.
- Australian Native Plants Discussion Forum allows users to ask and answer questions on native plants.
- Collecting Plants is an introduction to collecting plants and provides links to various documents that deal with the collection of plant specimens, both as herbarium specimens and as living collections.
- Commonwealth Department of Environment and Heritage biodiversity publications on line.
- Commonwealth Parliament Website offers a wealth of information on environmental decision-making and debate at the national level.
- CSIRO Biodiversity covers research topics ranging from weeds to rainforests, from farming to mining, from taxonomy to tourism.
- CSIRO Publishing allows users to browse a list of a large selection of books, CDs and journals available for purchase.
- Invasive Species in Australia, put together by Environment Australia and the Natural Heritage Trust, includes information on pest animals, weeds, non-native insects and other invertebrates, introduced marine pests and diseases and parasites. It covers what work is being done at present and what needs to be done in the future.
- National Forest Inventory Australia collects and communicates information on Australia’s forests. It aims to provide a single authoritative source of forest data at the national level.
- National Vegetation Information System aims to provide easily accessible and nationally consistent data on the extent and condition of Australia’s vegetation
- Wildlife Preservation Society is dedicated to conservation and preservation of the natural fauna and flora of Australia.
- ASIL Wildlife Interest Group – the American Society for International Law Wildlife Interest Group helps to strengthen international wildlife treaty regimes, regional accords, and national legislation that implements international treaty regimes.
- Checklist of Online Vegetation and Plant Distribution Maps is a global list compiled by Claire Englander and Philip Hoehn.
- Global Biodiversity: World Map of Species numbers of vascular plants has details the BIOMAPS Project – Biodiversity Mapping for Protection and Sustainable Use of Natural Resources – and other information.
- Biodiversity and Worldmap at the Natural History Museum, London, allows users access to worldmap software measuring biodiversity, rarity and conservation priority for flora and fauna world-wide.
- Germplasm Resources Information Network Plant Taxonomy Homepage (GRIN) provides nomenclature for plants of interest to US Dept. of Agriculture (USA) and other plant information.
- Natural Resource Management (NRM)_changelinks web site is a guide for conservation managers and others to help communities identify and adopt more sustainable natural resource management practices.
- Online National Library for the Environment (USA) contains news articles, journals, educational resources and directories and other environmental information.
- Reference List for plant re-introduction, recovery plans and restoration programs This project aims to build and maintain a comprehensive and up-to-date reference list for use as a resource by those involved in plant re-introduction and recovery work. The ultimate aim is to have as comprehensive a list as possible of species which are the subject of species and habitat recovery work, linked to projects, contacts and relevant literature.
- Traffic Network Website Journal devoted to wildlife trade issues worldwide.
- Angiopteris evecta recovery plan: only one species of this fern is found in NSW.
- Eucalypts serves as an introduction to the eucalypts and covers the genera Eucalyptus (the Gums), Corymbia (the Bloodwoods and Ghost Gums) and Angophora (the Apples).
- Fern Pages: A guide to Pteridophytes: the ferns and their allies compiled by the Australian National Herbarium.
- Fungimap a collaborative project between professional and amateur mycologicsts and naturalists to gather information about the distribution of fungi throughout Australia.
- Leptospermum (tea-tree) – pictures and information on the genus and four species.
- Australian Marine Algal Name Index
- Mycorrhizas created by CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products.
- Orchid Species on the NSW North Coast allows the identification of orchid species found in NSW Northern Rivers region.
- Wollemi Pine, a rare and endangered species discovered in 1994.
- CRC for Weed Management Systems is a Cooperative Research Centre.
- Environmental Weeds in Australia lists environmental weeds in Australia and their impact. Some photos available.
- Invasive Plant Species in Australia covers what work is being done at present and what needs to be done in the future.
- Information about weeds from the Western Australia Agriculture Department.
- Weedbuster Week is a national awareness event that highlights the impact of weeds on primary industries, the environment and human and animal health, and encourages governments, industry, private and community organisations to work together.
- Weeds Australia National Weeds Strategy – a strategic approach to weed problems of national significance.
- List of botanical databases contains listings of Australian national, state, herbarium and specialised databases, many accessible on the web.
- Library catalogues are widely available on-line. Some examples from libraries in Canberra are the ANU Library catalogue, the National Library of Australia catalogue, theNational Botanic Gardens library catalogue (shared with the Department of Environment and Heritage), and the ACT Library Service. State library, government department, university and museum catalogues are also on-line.
- AANRO (Australian Agriculture and Natural Resources Online) is a knowledge base of bibliographic and research information designed as a national decision support system and single access point for knowledge on Australian agriculture and natural resource management.
- Australian Biodiversity Information Facility is in the process (in 2006) of being developed as a portal to link in specimen and taxonomic information on Australian biodiversity mainly from herbaria and museums.
- Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) has online flora databases and checklists (including checklists of lichens, liverworts & hornworts, with mosses to come), and has the Flora of Australia Online.
- Australian Journal of Botany contains various abstracts and papers from the Australian Journal of Botany.
- The Australian National Botanic Gardens has set up a query for its Living Collections Records and an Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) database.
- The Environmental Defenders Office have links for Australian Commonwealth, State, Territory and Local Government environmental information
- Australian Plant Names Index (APNI) lists all scientific names used for Australian vascular plants in the literature, together with the author of the name, the type citation and supplementary information.
- Biodiversity and Environmental Resources links to other sites put together by the Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research.
- BioNet allows for real-time access to NSW government agency biodiversity databases. The system allows for users to search either for records of specific species or for all species across a specific area of NSW. The results of a search can be viewed as a listing or as an interactive map.
- The Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research (CPBR) and Australian National Botanic Gardens (ANBG) Botanical Databases These databases store much of the botanical information for the CPBR and ANBG. “Be careful! Queries to the databases may return very large files.”
- Collaborative Australian Protected Area Database is a database containing information on all protected areas in Australia, including their IUCN management categories.
- Earthworks is a portal of job and career opportunities for, among others, ecologists, conservation biologists, botanists, forestry/agricultural scientists, environmental scientists, soil scientists, geoscientists, remediation/contaminated land specialists, marine scientists, geographers and remote sensing/GIS specialists, with particular focus on Europe, North America and the Pacific rim.
- Ecological Society of Australia has links to ecological Web servers.
- Environment and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act Protected Matters Search Tool generates a report that will help determine whether matters of national environmental significance or other matters protected by the EPBC Act are likely to occur in a given geographic area.
- Environmental Resources Information Network (ERIN) maintains and has links to databases of Australian environment information.
- Florabank network has a searchable directory on individuals, organisations, business, and community groups interested in Australian native plant seed – identification, collection, storage, distribution and use for revegetation and conservation purposes.
- FloraBase is the authoritative source for information about the Western Australian flora.
- Enviro Green Pages – environment industry directory.
- Global Biodiversity Information Facility
- Indonesian rainforest conservation links
- Internet Directory for Botany has links to plant (general and specific families/groups) and biodiversity information and conservation organisations from around the world.
- International Plant Names Index is a comprehensive listing of over 1.3 million scientific names for seed plants worldwide. Collaborative project between Australian National Herbarium; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; and the Harvard University Herbaria, USA.
- Links to Australian Environmental Organisations Online. Lists of NGOs put together by the Environmental Defenders Office.
- Species Profile and Threats Database provides information about species and ecological communities listed under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, including what the species looks like, its population and distribution, habitat, movements, feeding, reproduction and taxonomic comments.
- Vegetation and Plant Distribution Maps – a checklist of online vegetation and plant distribution maps.
- World Species List – animals, plants, microbes.
- AustLII maintains a database with links to all Australian legislation and case law (court decisions).
- Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
- Permit requirements for collecting Australian plants and animals. The collecting and moving of plants and animals in Australia is managed by State, Territory and/or Commonwealth licensing systems. This site has some information.
State and Territory
- AustLII maintains a database with links to all Australian legislation and case law (court decisions).
- ACT Environment Protection Act 1997 Legislation to provide for the protection of the environment and for related purposes.
- ACT Threatened Species Action Plans for threatened species and ecological communities under the Nature Conservation Act, 1980.
- NSW Environmental Protection Legislation Consists of environmental legislation (acts and regulations) under the Environment Protection Act, established in March 1992.
- NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995. Schedule 1 lists endangered species, populations and ecological communities; Schedule 2 lists vulnerable species; Schedule 3 lists key threatening processes.
- Queensland – Department of the Environment Details legislation to provide for the conservation of Queensland’s nature across the state, in particular areas (Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, Raine Island) and in particular ways (providing opportunities for public recreation in natural environments and facilitating appreciation, enjoyment and protection of resources).
- Permits to collect plant material in Queensland.
- South Australia, Department for Environment and Heritage Details environmental legislation in S.A.
- South Australia National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1972 Under Section 80, Schedule 7 lists endangered species; Schedule 8 lists vulnerable species ; Schedule 9 lists rare species.
- Tasmania Threatened Species Protection Act, 1995.
- Victoria’s Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act, 1988 Lists Threatened Species, Communities, Threatening Processes and Protected Flora . Information about the Act.
- Permits to collect plant material in Victoria.
- Western Australia Wildlife Conservation Act 1950.
- Western Australia Wildlife Conservation (Rare Flora) Notice 2006(2) (2MB download): Schedule 1 lists extant taxa (known to be living in a wild state); Schedule 2 lists rare taxa (presumed extinct in the wild).
- Ecolex is a gateway to global treaties and environmental law.
- Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
- CITES – the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wildlife Fauna and Flora
- The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands is an intergovernmental treaty which provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources.
- National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia’s Biological Diversity 1996. Aims to enhance individual and community wellbeing and welfare by following a path of economic development that safeguards the welfare of future generations; to provide for equity within and between generations; and to protect biological diversity and maintain essential ecological processes and life-support systems.
- Review of the National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia’s Biological Diversity, 2001.
- National Objectives and Targets for Biodiversity Conservation 2001-2005 was produced to augment the National Strategy and sets objectives and targets for ten priority outcomes for the Australian Government, States and Territories to achieve.
- National Biodiversity and Climate Change Action Plan: outlines a nationwide strategic approach to protect Australia’s biodiversity from the impacts of climate change
- National Framework for Natural Resource Management (NRM) Standards and Targets: establishes the principles and requirements for setting natural resource management standards and targets to guide investment through national natural resource management programs.
- National Framework for the Management and Monitoring of Australia’s Native Vegetation: provides tools to help Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments to reverse the long-term decline in the quality and extent of Australia’s native vegetation cover.
- National Objectives and Targets for Biodiversity Conservation: produced to augment the National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia’s Biological Diversity. It sets objectives and targets for ten priority outcomes for the Australian Government, States and Territories to achieve.
- National Principles and Guidelines for Rangeland Management (armcanz-may28.pdf): establishes a framework for rangeland communities, in partnership with governments and in consultation with the broader community, to undertake regional planning to address the diverse social, cultural, environmental and economic issues facing their communities.
- Biodiversity Hotspots: identified in Australia and around the world. These hotspots are areas of great biodiversity that are under immediate threat. They have been identified to raise public awareness about their plight and to promote the need for action to conserve them.
- National Approach to Firewood Collection and Use in Australia: aims to ensure all firewood collection, including commercial cutting, is ecologically sustainable and not a major cause of loss and degradation of remnant and woodland ecosystems or the habitats of threatened species.
- National Water Quality Management Strategy: a joint initiative between the Australian Government and state and territory governments to protect and enhance the quality of water resources while maintaining economic and social development.
- National Weeds Strategy: provides the mechanism to reduce the impact of weeds on the sustainability of Australia’s productive capacity and natural ecosystems.
- Regional Forest Agreements: 20-year plans for the conservation and sustainable management of Australia’s native forests.
See also Botanic Gardens and Herbaria and Zoos below.
- Association of Societies for Growing Australian Plants (ASGAP) is for those interested in the cultivation, propagation, conservation and appreciation of Australia’s native flora.
- Australian Association of Bush Regenerators aims to foster and encourage sound ecological practices of bushland management by qualified people, and to promote the study and practice of bush regeneration.
- Australian Biological Resources Study aims to document and disseminate information on Australia’s biological diversity and foster taxonomic research on Australia’s biota.
- Australian Centre for Minerals Extension and Research (ACMER) aims to provide scientific and technological rigour and support to enable the minerals industry to plan, operate and close mines in an environmentally and socially responsible manner.
- Australian Government Department of the Environment and Water Resources (formerly the Department of the Environment and Heritage) develops and implements national policy, programs and legislation to protect and conserve Australia’s natural environment and cultural heritage.
- Australian Tree Seed Centre (CSIRO) collects and supplies high quality seed of Australia’s woody flora, with special emphasis on range wide provenance collections and lots from widely spaced individual trees for research purposes.
- Bush Heritage Australia is a national organisation dedicated to acquiring and managing high conservation value private land.
- Bushcare Program 1996-2002 aimed to reverse the long-term decline in the quality and extent of Australia’s native vegetation cover.
- Comprehensive Regional Assessments evaluated the economic, social, environmental and heritage values of forest regions and were the framework for Regional Forest Agreements, 20-year plans for the conservation and sustainable management of Australia’s native forests.
- CSIRO Plant Industry applies strategic research in the plant sciences to promote profitable and sustainable agri-food, fibre and horticultural industries, develop novel plant products and improve natural resource management.
- Ecological Society of Australia is a professional organisation established to promote ecological research and communication. Also produce the journal Ecological Management and Restoration. ANPC is affiliated with EMR.
- Environmental Defender’s Office provides legal representation and advice, takes an active role in environmental law reform and policy formulation, and offers an education program.
- Florabank aims to improve the availability and quality of native seed for revegetation and conservation purposes in Australia.
- Fungimap is a collaborative project between professional and amateur mycologicsts and naturalists to gather information about the distribution of fungi throughout Australia.
- Greening Australia works with the community to achieve sustainable land and water resources, primarily through improving vegetation management practices.
- Indigenous Flora and Fauna Association (IFFA) is dedicated to the conservation of the indigenous Australian biota.
- Land and Water Australia is a national organisation dedicated to investing in and managing research and development to underpin sustainable resource use and management. Originally established in 1990 as the Land and Water Resources Research and Development Corporation (LWRRDC).
- National Landcare Programme (NLP) encourages landholders to undertake landcare and related conservation works by supporting collective action by communities to sustainably manage the environment and natural resources.
- Natural Heritage Trust plays a major role in developing sustainable agriculture and natural resource management, as well as protecting our unique biodiversity through improved management and delivery of resources.
- Perception of Native Vegetation in Rural Landscapes is a research program conducted by The Institute of Land and Food Resources at the University of Melbourne.
- Threatened Species Network aims to increase public awareness of, and involvement with the protection and recovery of threatened species and their habitat.
- Australasian Native Orchid Society (ANOS) covers rare & endangered NSW orchids.
State, Territory, Regional & Local Organisations
- Australian National Botanic Gardens
- Australian Native Plants Society, Canberra Region Inc, formerly the Society for Growing Australian Plants
- Environment ACT
- Albury Botanic Gardens
- Australian Plants Society (NSW) promotes the preservation, conservation, establishment and breeding of Australian native plants.
- Hunter Region Botanic Gardens, Ltd., Newcastle
- Indigenous Landscape Design Australia Pty Ltd
- Looking after Byron
- NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service NPWS is the government department responsible for maintaining the parks and reserve system in NSW.
- National Parks Association of NSW The National Parks Association of NSW inc.(NPA) is a non-government community group dedicated to preserving our natural heritage.
- The Nature Conservation Council of NSW (NCC) The Nature Conservation Council of NSW (NCC) is the peak umbrella organisation for over 100 conservation and environment groups in New South Wales.
- Rainforest Rescue
- Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney
- Wollongong Botanic Garden
Northern Territory
- Greening Australia Nothern Territory (GANT) GANT is a non-government, not-for-profit, community-based organisation which encourages government, business, and community in active participation in vegetation and related land and water management activities.
- Olive Pink Botanic Garden, Alice Springs
- Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Greening Australia works to engage the community in vegetation management to protect and restore the health, diversity and productivity of our unique Australian landscape.
- Royal Geographical Society of QLD promotes the study of geography and encourages a greater understanding and enjoyment of the world around us.
- Society for Growing Australian Plants (SGAP) – Queensland Region
South Australia
- Adelaide Botanic Garden
- Australian Plants Society South Australia aims to improve the understanding of Australian native plants and their cultivation.
- Department for Environment and Heritage
- Greening Australia (SA) Inc.
- Trees For Life is a non-profit community group dedicated to revegetation and the protection of threatened and valuable bushland in South Australia.
- Australian Plants Society, Tasmania is interested in propagation, cultivation and conservation of plants native to Australia.
- Forestry Tasmania
- Parks and Wildlife Service Tasmania
- Australian Plants Society Victoria is an organisation of people striving to learn to know and grow our native plants and to promote and preserve Australia’s unique flora.
- Greening Australia (VIC) Greening Australia Victoria is working with farmers, community groups, land management agencies, schools and individuals to help meet the challenge of protecting and restoring our local native vegetation.
- Greenlink Box Hill (Victoria) is a voluntary organisation working with the City of Whitehorse Parks and Gardens staff to restore and manage local flora.
- Listing of all known revegetation groups and park management committees in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs.
- Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne & Cranbourne
- Victoria National Parks Association Provides information and inspiration for everyone concerned about protecting and preserving Victoria’s natural heritage.
Western Australia
- Centre for Land Rehabilitation A multi-disciplinary centre applying soil science, geomechanics, hydrology, soil biology, plant nutrition, plant biology, ecology and resource economics to the management of disturbed lands.
- Department of Environment and Conservation
- Greening Australia (WA) Greening Australia (WA) has long stood for revitalising our Western Australian landscapes, with a particular emphasis on protecting, restoring and increasing our unique native vegetation.
- Kings Park and Botanic Garden – Perth
- Western Australian Forest Alliance (WAFA) The peak forest conservation organisation for WA.
- Wildflower Society of Western Australia Promotes activities for people interested in, and concerned for, the preservation of wildflowers.
- Australasian Native Orchid Society (ANOS)
- Botanic Gardens Conservation International
- Canadian Botanical Conservation Network (CBCN)
- Center for Biodiversity and Conservation, American Museum of Natural History
- Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is an international research and global knowledge institution committed to conserving forests and improving the livelihoods of people in the tropics
- Endangered Species Recovery Program Cooperative Research Program on biodiversity conservation in Central California, administered by the California State University
- Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute Promotes, coordinates and carries out research that contributes to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in Colombia.
- International Plant Genetic Resources Institute World’s largest non-profit agricultural organisation devoted to the conservation and promotion of biodiversity
- IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, also known as the World Conservation Union) is the world’s largest government and non government conservation-related organisation. Its mission is to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable.
- IUCN Species Survival Commission. The mission of the SSC is to conserve biological diversity by developing and executing programs to study, save, restore, and manage wisely species and their habitats. It has numerous plant specialist groups, as well as a Re-introduction Specialist Group, a Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, an Invasive Species Specialist Group, and a Plant Conservation Committee.
- IUCN Bookstore
- National Botanical Institute, South Africa The mission of the NBI is to promote the sustainable use, conservation, appreciation and enjoyment of the exceptionally rich plant life of South Africa, for the benefit of all its people.
- The Nature Conservancy. US-based private, international conservation group.
- Plantlife is Britain’s only national membership charity dedicated exclusively to conserving all forms of plant life in its natural habitat.
- Society for Conservation Biology. An international professional organization dedicated to promoting the scientific study of the phenomena that affect the maintenance, loss, and restoration of biological diversity.
- United States Environmental Protection Agency Allows citizens to obtain up-to-date, comprehensive, accurate information about their communities.
- Directory of Australian Botanic Gardens and Arboreta
- Albury Botanic Gardens
- Australian National Botanic Gardens
- Australian National Herbarium
- Australia’s Virtual Herbarium
- Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research
- Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Gardens
- Friends of the Gold Coast Botanic Gardens
- Hunter Region Botanic Gardens, Ltd., Newcastle
- Kings Park and Botanic Garden – Perth
- N.C.W. Beadle Herbarium (NE) – University of New England
- Norfolk Island Botanic Gardens
- Olive Pink Botanic Garden, Alice Springs
- Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne & Cranbourne
- Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney
- Wollongong Botanic Garden
- Brooklyn Botanic Garden
- Missouri Botanical Garden
- Natural History Museum, London The Department of Botany houses a major international collection of over 6 million preserved specimens of plants.
- Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
- Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
- Adelaide Zoo
- Australian Reptile Park
- Zoological Parks and Gardens Board of Victoria (Melbourne, Healesville and Werribee)
- Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS) The Participatory Program supports taxonomic research and training required to accelerate the scientific inventory of Australia’s biological diversity. Schemes included in this program are the Research Grants Scheme, Postgraduate Scholarships Scheme and ABRS Bursaries.
- The Whitley Award Scheme for International Nature Conservation (UK) offers a wide range of annual awards for conservation and sustainable development projects worldwide.
- The Norman Wettenhall Foundation is an environment group and philanthropic trust that focusses on supporting biodiversity conservation projects around Australia. They particularly look for innovative and collaborative flora and fauna programs involving research, monitoring and recording data, training, community education, and sustainable land management. You can email Beth on with any queries
Subscribe to these lists, groups and newletters to receive regular updates on plant conservation or biodiversity issues.
- Aliens-l is an international (IUCN) listserver dedicated to invasive species. Search Aliens-I
- ANPC News will keep you informed of plant conservation initiatives, grant application deadlines, conferences and workshops, fieldwork and much more. It allows you to post your own information and ask members for advice on plant conservation management issues.
- Bush regeneration.
- Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act 1999. Email listserver to share information about developments in relation to the Commonwealth EPBC Act. Hosted by WWF EPBC Unit.
- ENVIROWEEDS is a listserver for people to discuss any aspect of environmental weeds.
- FLORABANK discussion forums cover seed collection, germination, equipment and revegetation.
- Local government natural resource management, an initiative of the Local Government Association of NSW and the Shires Association of NSW.
- Murray-Darling Basin Commission E-letter
- Oz-Environlink is a list server for people to exchange views about conservation/environmental issues primarily concerning the Australasian area.
- Weed Watch Newsletter.
- Australian National Botanic Gardens lists several bibliographies.
- Climate Change on Flora and Fauna is a searchable bibliography on the impacts of climate change on our flora and fauna species and supporting ecosystems.
- Management of Travelling Stock Reserves.
- Plant Identification – A Basic Bibliography contains useful references to help in identifying native and introduced plants and finding out about the Australian flora.
- A Select Bibliography (ENDANGER), produced by the Deakin University School of Aquatic Sciences and Natural Resources Management, is a bibliographic database that indexes published and unpublished material on Australian threatened flora and fauna and related topics. Password access.