Australia and its state and territories, all have laws for declaring plants species and ecological communities as threatened. Threat categories vary between the jurisdictions, but variously include critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable. Some jurisdictions also list key threatening processes.
A government-by-government overview of the relevant laws and listing processes was published in Australasian Plant Conservation 17(2) in 2008, and can be downloaded here:
Lists and information about threatened plants and ecological communities, and key threatening processes, are available on the various government web sites. Each site provides a variety of information that may be in the form of simple lists of species, listing advice, conservation advice, recovery plans / action plans, and/or summary data in databases or in information sheets etc. The information usually includes one or more of the following: listing status, description, habitat, distribution map, illustrations, threats and recovery actions.
Links to relevant sites are provided below, for each jurisdiction as relevant, for threatened plant species, threatened ecological communities and key threatening processes.
It is important to note the following when using the web sites.
- Most web sites are constantly updated, and hence the information they contain may not reflect the most recent listing decisions and/or most recent knowledge.
- The information included for species / ecological communities in any one site can be highly variable, with recently listed species / communities often containing more information than early listings.
- Some web some sites are still under development, and hence include only a selection of species / ecological communities.
If you are seeking information about a particular species, ecological community or key threatening process that has been listed under national or state/territory laws, the following will assist in making sure you obtain the most appropriate information.
- Do not accept just one source of information as gospel.
- Check for the primary listing ‘determination’ or ‘listing advice’ by the relevant authority for that jurisdiction, as this is likely to be the most up-to-date assessment of extinction risk status at the time it was adopted.
- Find out if there is, or has ever been, a draft or final Recovery Plan or Action Plan.
- Be aware that derived documents, such as threatened species profiles and fact sheets, may contain useful pictures and maps, but the information included may be highly abstracted from original sources and not fully referenced.
- Be aware that some content and context of management-related information may have been lost when parsed into databases from written sources.
Neither research nor conservation actions should be based on website information alone. To obtain the best information for any particular species or community, we recommend that after gleaning information from the websites, you check for new data by directly liaising with officers responsible for threatened species and threatened ecological communities in relevant agencies (details are provided in the appropriate entry in the <2008 Directory>), and also consulting with appropriate experts, e.g. by contacting your local conservation department or herbarium, remembering that not all expertise resides in them.
Go to websites for:
- Australia (national)
- Australian Capital Territory
- New South Wales
- Northern Territory
- Queensland
- South Australia
- Tasmania
- Victoria
- Western Australia
Australia (national): Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)
- List of threatened flora
- Profiles of threatened species (Species Profile and Threats Database—SPRAT), including listing advices, conservation advices or recovery plans for many (but not all) species
- Lists and profiles of threatened ecological communities, including recovery plans or conservation advices for some communities
- Recovery plans of threatened species and ecological communities
- List of key threatening processes
- Threat abatement plans
- The Australian Government’s Threatened Species Strategy includes commitments to improve trajectories of 30 threatened plants by 2020. Read more here.
Australian Capital Territory: THE NATURE CONSERVATION ACt 2014
- List of threatened species and ecological communities
- Action Plans for threatened species and ecological communities
- Threatened Species Factsheets
New South Wales—terrestrial
- Official legislative schedules of species, populations, ecological communities, critical habitat and key threatening processes under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995
- Modified version of the official legislative schedules of species (sometimes lagging a little behind the legislative changes)
- Scientific Committee determinations (basis for legislative listings of entities and processes)
- Profiles of threatened species, populations, ecological communities and key threatening processes
- Critical Habitat declarations
- Recovery Plans (approved and draft) for species and communities
- Threatened Species Priority Action Statement (PAS) database (stratified proposed recovery actions for most species)
- Publications on a number of threatening processes
New South Wales—aquatic
- Lists of fully or primarily aquatic threatened species, populations, ecological communities, and key threatening processes listed under the Fisheries Management Act 1994
Northern Territory
- Lists and profiles of threatened species, including some recovery plans
- Ecological communities are not listed under NT law.
- List of threatened species
- Profiles of threatened species (selected species only)
- List of protected plants
- Lists and profiles of all regional ecosystems, including threatened ecological communities
South Australia
- Gazetted lists of threatened species
- Profiles of threatened species (fact sheets and recovery plans for selected species)
- Ecological communities are not listed under SA law.
- Threatened Species Protection Order 2008
- Lists of threatened species, including note sheets or listing statements for some species
- List of threatened ecological communities
- Approved recovery plans for species and communities
- Information sheets on threatened ecological communities
- Lists of threatened species and communities, and potentially threatening processes
- Draft and approved action statements for threatened species and communities, and potentially threatening processes
Western Australia
- Lists of threatened species and ecological communities
- Profiles of plant species, including threatened species
- Interim recovery plans for threatened species and ecological communities