The ANPC is working with Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Friends of Grampians Gariwerd – FOGGS and Australasian Native Orchid Society – Victorian Group to save the threatened Thelymitra mackibbinii from extinction, thanks to funding from the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Thelymitra mackibbinii has less than 60 naturally wild plants remaining in the Wimmera district of Victoria. So far, two exclusion fences have been constructed to protect plants from grazing kangaroos, wallabies and rabbits. Surveys for any new plants and to identify the species’ pollinator (a native bee) have also been undertaken by community volunteers. Further surveys and pollinator baiting will be undertaken this Spring, before re-introducing 400 seedlings in winter 2021. Read more.
Saving the brilliant sun orchid (Thelymitra mackibbinii) from extinction
Oct 7, 2020 | News