The ANPC is excited to announce we have received a grant from the Ross Trust for two years from June 2020. The grant will address the need to educate and inform both environmental scientists and practitioners on the translocation of threatened plants, for the benefit of Victoria’s threatened plant species. Over the next two years, the project will present three, one-day plant translocation workshops in Melbourne, Ballarat and Bairnsdale, and produce three video site tours with accompanying public podcasts which will explore the stories of past and current translocation projects through the eyes of practitioners to investigate “What makes a translocation successful?”. The aim is to significantly build capacity to successfully undertake translocations in Victoria (especially critical to post-fire recovery), increase awareness of threatened plants, help tackle ‘plant blindness’, and give voice to those people who work in this underappreciated field. Read more.
New project! ‘Plants Going Places – capacity building in the translocation of threatened native plants in Victoria’
Jul 15, 2020 | News