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Myrtle Rust Videos

Documentary Feature: Myrtle Rust – The Silent Killer

This film introduces Myrtle Rust and its cultural, social and ecological effects on Australia’s native environment. Indigenous rangers, scientists and landowners share their first-hand stories of this fungal disease and its impact on our precious species and landscapes. We learn about their efforts to bring species back from the brink of extinction and the value of protecting our unique ecosystems from biosecurity threats for generations to come.

This film was a collaborative project led by Queensland Agriculture with support from the ANPC, the San Diego Zoo WIldlife Alliance, NSW Government, the Butchulla Aboriginal Corporation and the Plant Biosecurity Science Foundation.


Myrtle Rust playlist on ANPC’s youtube channel

AMRC2023 – All videos

Safe Custody for Native Guava

As part of our Safe Custody for Native Guava Project we produced a webinar in collaboration with the BGANZ BCARM group. You can watch the webinar below and access more resources here.

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