12th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference (APCC12) 2018
‘Moving house – a new age for plant translocation and restoration‘
Early-bird registrations now close Friday 7 September 2018
The Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (CANBR) at CSIRO, and the Australian Network for Plant Conservation are pleased to present the 12th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference (APCC12).
Join us for a week of exciting presentations, local field trips and a 1-day threatened plant translocation workshop!
Conference Program
Session Themes and Speakers
Plant Translocation Workshop
Field Trips & Tours
To coincide with the release of the Third edition of the ANPC’s Threatened Plant Translocation Guidelines, APCC12 will bring conservation researchers and practitioners together from across Australia to discuss the recent advances and latest scientific findings for successful threatened plant translocations. Species translocations have been an important conservation approach for more than two decades to save threatened species from extinction. With no foreseeable reduction in threats from climate change, urban and agricultural expansion and intensification, and invasive pests and diseases, translocations will be increasingly important into the future.
View the Registration Fees here.
APCC12 will bring together a diverse range of the leading botanists, ecologists, land managers, and on-ground plant conservation workers from around Australia, from universities, government, consultancies, NRM groups and NGOs The conference is a key event for plant conservation specialists and students to exchange ideas and make new contacts.
The biennial Australasian Plant Conservation Conference has become the premier event in Australia to discuss plant conservation issues with a variety of groups from practitioners to researchers. The last conference was successfully hosted in Melbourne, November 2016.
Register online here.
Download the registration form.
Join the ANPC today and receive great discounts on the conference registration fees!
The APCC12 Organising Committee invites the submission of abstracts for Presentations or Posters on one or more of the above themes. Please note that the committee may reallocate abstracts between these themes. The contribution of presenters, like yourself, is crucial to the success of the Conference and we value your input greatly.
Abstracts should be written in Microsoft Word, Arial 10 font and be no more than 250 words in length. All abstracts will be published online for conference participants. Presentations will be allocated 15 minutes in the Conference Program.
You can also nominate on the form if you are prepared to submit a full length paper (approx. 1200 words) for publication in Australasian Plant Conservation (APC) – you will be contacted by the Editor prior to the conference. The deadline for this is 15 February 2019. Email the APC Editor for any queries about submission of full length papers.
Download the Abstract Submission Form.
If you submit your APCC12 abstract by the due date, you will be in the running for two great prizes donated by the National Arboretum Canberra! A $100 gift voucher for the Conservatory Restaurant and a $100 gift voucher for the The Curatoreum gift shop, both located at the Arboretum.
Due to a generous donation, the APCC12 organising committee is offering 3 travel grants valued at $250 each! These are eligible for current PhD students who are ANPC members and have submitted abstracts to APCC12.
Download the Student Travel Grant application form.
Your form must be received by COB Friday 17 August 2018. All applicants will be notified by Friday 31 August.
Abstract Key Dates:
Student Travel Grant applications close | Friday 17 August 2018 |
Abstract Submissions close | Friday 24 August 2018 |
Abstract & Student Travel Grant notifications | Friday 31 August 2018 |
Early bird registration deadline | Friday 7 September 2018 |
Full length papers for publication in APC | Friday 15 February 2019 |
SPONSORSHIP Opportunities available!
Download the APCC12 Sponsorship Prospectus here! Your business or organisation is invited to sponsor the 12th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference. The wide range of sponsorship options available are summarised below. Be a part of this premier event and help contribute to the conservation of Australia’s unique plants! The conference provides an excellent opportunity to promote the profile of your organisation or company, including your involvement in plant conservation, to representatives from government, academia, community groups and private businesses from across Australia. Sponsorship may be financial, in-kind or a discount on services. Donations of $2 or more to the ANPC are tax-deductible. Please contact us to discuss any of these options further.
Click here to see the 12 flagship threatened plants from the ACT region which are being promoted as part of the conference.
APCC12 will be held at the CSIRO Discovery Centre, Canberra at the Black Mountain Science and Innovation Park which provides free parking and is centrally located to the Canberra city centre, ANU, the Australian National Botanic Gardens and backs on the beautiful bushland and walking trails
of Black Mountain. See CSIRO Discovery Centre location and map for how to get to the conference.
• At CSIRO, if you go into the car park via the boom gate, please press the intercom at the gate, identify yourself and that you are coming to the Plant Conservation Conference.
• Please allow about 12-15 minutes to walk from your car to the Discovery Centre.
Conference Organising Committee
- Dr Linda Broadhurst – Chair (CANBR, CSIRO)
- Josh McGregor (CANBR, CSIRO)
- Francisco Encinas-Viso (CANBR, CSIRO)
- Jo Lynch (ANPC Business Manager)
- Dr Lucy Commander (ANPC Project Manager, Translocation)
- Martin Driver (ANPC Project Manager)
- Chantelle Doyle (ANPC Committee member; Ecological Consultants Association)
- Dr David Coates (ANPC Committee member)
- Nicki Taws (Greening Australia)
- Dr Jasmyn Lynch (University of Canberra)
- Damian Wrigley (Australian Seed Bank Partnership)
Hourly Schedule
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