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Healthy Seeds Update

Healthy Seeds Update

Stage 1 of the Healthy Seeds project is coming to completion with the draft Roadmap submitted to the NSW Environmental Trust and the Healthy Seeds Consortium in November. The Roadmap integrates the results of the Australian Native Seed Survey Report, the Audit of Seed Production Areas in NSW and the identification of the barriers and opportunities for the NSW seed sector to provide a strategic plan to improve native seed supply for ecological restoration in NSW. The full Roadmap is available on the ANPC website, along with the roadmap summary.

2021 AGM

2021 AGM

On Wednesday 17 November 2021 we held our AGM over Zoom with 25 people in attendance. The ANPC president, Tony Auld, presented his President’s Report which details what the ANPC has achieved over the last year, and the activities we are looking forward to. We also said thank you and farewell to our committee members Paul Gibson-Roy, Stephen Bell and Bob Makinson who have finished their terms. We welcomed three new ordinary members to the ANPC management committee, Kelli Gowland and Damian Wrigley from the ACT and Cathy Offord from NSW.

APCC13 – Call for abstracts

APCC13 – Call for abstracts

The organising committee is calling for abstracts for our 13th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference to be held in Albury, NSW next April. This is the premier event in Australia to discuss native plant conservation issues. The overall theme is ‘Seeds to recovery’. We are seeking abstracts for both presentations and posters which fit within one of the 4 sub-themes:

1. Seeds

2. Bushfire recovery

3. Conservation/threatened species and communities

4. Engaging people with conservation & restoration

We are also seeking abstracts for shorter presentations (5 – 10mins TBC) on three workshop topics.Please visit our conference website to download the submission form. Abstract submission closes 4 February 2022.

Membership renewals

Membership renewals

As the end of the year approaches the ANPC will be sending out membership renewal reminders to our members. Please note there is now a direct debit function to keep your membership current. If you are thinking of joining the ANPC now is the perfect time!
Members receive the following benefits:

  • A subscription to our quarterly bulletin Australasian Plant Conservation.
  • Discounts to ANPC workshops, conferences and forums.
  • A 10% discount on gift memberships.

We are also excited to be sending out a 2022 calendar with our 30th Anniversary edition of Australasian Plant Conservation. Be sure to renew your membership before 31 December 2021 to receive this free gift.

Notice of ANPC Annual General Meeting 2021

Notice of ANPC Annual General Meeting 2021

The Annual General Meeting of the Australian Network for Plant Conservation Inc. will be held on Wednesday 17 November 2021, from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) via Zoom. All current ANPC members are encouraged to attend in a voting capacity to ensure we reach a quorum, and to hear about what the ANPC has achieved over the last year. This includes individual members and representatives of organisational members. Please RSVP to the Secretary by Wednesday 10 November 2021 and then you will receive the Zoom link. To check your membership status, please contact the office.
Do you want to help make a difference to plant conservation in Australia? Nominations are now open for the following positions on the ANPC Inc. Committee of Management: President; Vice-President; Secretary and 5 ordinary members. Download the Committee Nomination Form here. Nominations must be received by the Secretary by close of business on Wednesday 10 November 2021.

Image by Amelia Martyn Yenson

ASSC Conference recordings

ASSC Conference recordings

Recordings of the Australasian Seed Science Conference plenary and workshop sessions are now available to registered delegates here. These recordings are password protected in recognition of the investment of delegates, but access can be purchased via the same link.