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Plants Going Places – Orchids

Plants Going Places – Orchids

The final video produced under our Plants Going Places project features a favourite – orchids! With their specialised biology and pollinator specific associations orchids have gained a reputation for being difficult to propagate. This video discusses how to grow and restore orchid populations when faced with many challenges. The video and a podcast were produced by Chantelle Doyle and Michael Lawrence-Taylor under the Plants Going Places project funded by The Ross Trust. Thanks also to the NESP Threatened Species Recovery Hub for their support.

You can find the three Plants Going Places videos on the ANPC YouTube channel.

All the videos and podcasts from this series and other translocation stories can be found on the Plant Heroes website.

New project – Safe Custody for Native Guava

New project – Safe Custody for Native Guava

The ANPC has partnered with five botanic gardens and the NSW and QLD governments to provide safe custody for the Critically Endangered Native Guava (Rhodomyrtus psidioides). This species was not threatened before Myrtle Rust was introduced in 2010 but has since suffered significant declines. This project will provide a coordinated national response to the conservation of this species through germplasm collection, providing resources for maintaining potted collections in conservation nurseries, creating a living collection at botanic gardens in three states and raising awareness through a short video. This project is supported by funding from the Australian Government.

For more information on this project and our partners head to our project webpage.

Victorian Translocation Symposium

Victorian Translocation Symposium

Our Victorian Translocation Symposium had an incredible 299 people register with over a third of this number online during each event. Thank you to everyone who joined us and for all our fantastic speakers, we appreciate you spending your time to share your expertise with our community.

The recording for Part 1 of the Symposium is available to watch now on the ANPC YouTube channel. Part 2 will be uploaded soon. For those who registered please keep an eye on your inbox, we will be sending an email survey out shortly to hear what you liked and what we could improve on to make these events even more enjoyable and informative.

BCARM August Forum

BCARM August Forum

Our friends in the BGANZ BCARM team are holding a fantastic forum this month on managing collections susceptible to the pathogen Myrtle Rust. Speakers include Amanda Shade from Kings Park, Rick Ackland of the North Coast Botanic Gardens and Damian Wrigley and Brad Desmond from the Australian Seed Bank Partnership. Don’t miss this chance to learn about the upcoming survey to list myrtle rust-susceptible plant species. The forum will take place online at 1pm AEST Thurs 11 Aug, details in their latest newsletter.

Conference Recordings

Conference Recordings

Our conference recordings are available on the ANPC youtube channel. This gives you access to three days of plenaries and workshops from the 13th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference held in April.