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Hands Healing the Land – 19 March 2021

Hands Healing the Land – 19 March 2021

ANPC Florabank project Manager, Dr Lucy Commander is involved in a 1-day restoration conference in Perth taking place on Friday 19 March 2021. Hands Healing the Land – Community Science Conference provides an opportunity for land care practitioners, scientists and volunteers to share how they make a difference in caring for flora and fauna, learn from traditional owners and build community. Purchase tickets here.

Australian Plant Translocation Database

Australian Plant Translocation Database

The Australian Plant Translocation Database is now live and available to download for free from the ANPC’s website. The database was assembled between 2016-2018 by researchers from the National Environmental Science Program’s Threatened Species Recovery Hub. This incredible resource contains data on translocations for 379 species from around Australia.

Myrtle Rust National Symposium – 23-25 March 2021

The Australian Plant Biosecurity Science Foundation, and partners including the ANPC, are convening a National Myrtle Rust Symposium, everyone welcome. The symposium will be from the 23rd to the 25th of March – a hybrid conference where key stakeholders come together in Ballina (NSW) to work through ways of implementing the National Action Plan for Myrtle Rust in Australia, combined with an online event to share the latest research, activities and thinking to a broader audience. Head to the website to find out more.

Call for submissions: Australasian Plant Conservation articles – due 1 May

Call for submissions: Australasian Plant Conservation articles – due 1 May

The deadline to submit articles for the APC autumn issue was Monday 1 February, but don’t worry there is still plenty of time to get your articles in for the winter issue! There is no specific theme, articles on any plant conservation topic are welcome. The APC editor is encouraging submission of articles describing post fire responses of plants and ecological communities. For more information on submitting articles please visit this web page or email the APC editor Heidi Zimmer. The winter issue submission deadline is 1 May 2021.