ANPC Annual General Meeting
We held our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 16 November 2022 over Zoom and in person at the Australian National Botanic Gardens. Our president, Tony Auld, presented his President’s Report which can be read here. We said thank you and farewell to our committee member Meredith Cosgrove who finished her term. We welcomed Leonie Monks to the ANPC Committee and welcomed back Linda Broadhurst, Andrew Fairney, Melissa Millar and Singarayer Florentine who re-nominated for another 2 years as Ordinary Members. Dr Geoff Pegg, our guest speaker, gave an insightful talk on the results of the Fire and Rust project which looked at the impact of Myrtle rust on post fire regeneration. You can watch his presentation here. We also had time at the conclusion of the meeting to play the new film ‘Myrtle Rust – the silent killer’. |