Office closedown
The ANPC office will be closed from Monday 20 December 2021 until Wednesday 5 January 2022. Consequently, the processing of memberships and publication orders, as well as email responses, will be delayed.
The ANPC office will be closed from Monday 20 December 2021 until Wednesday 5 January 2022. Consequently, the processing of memberships and publication orders, as well as email responses, will be delayed.
Early bird registrations for the 13th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference have opened. This special pricing is only available until 18 February so be sure to head to the website and register soon.
The organising committee is also accepting abstracts for conference presentations and workshops. Full details on the themes and workshop titles are on the website, where you can download an abstract submission form.
We’re pleased to announce our Germplasm-themed calendar is off to the printers! The calendar will be arriving in the letterboxes of all our 2021 members shortly to thank you for your valued support and celebrate the 30th anniversary of the ANPC.
It is also that time of year when members need to renew their memberships. ANPC Members receive quarterly issues of our bulletin and discounts to ANPC events. If you’re thinking of heading to our APCC13 conference in April it is great value to become a member! Did you know that a direct debit function is now available to automatically keep your membership current? Just tick the Auto Renewal box on the membership form and we’ll do all the work for you!
An article on the three different guidelines the ANPC has recently updated has been published in BGANZ’s magazine THE BOTANIC GARDENer. This article explains what is in the different guidelines, when to use them and how to find them. You can download the summer edition of the magazine here.
We are excited to be opening early bird registrations for our conference! The 13th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference (APCC13) will be held in Albury, NSW next April. We chose to hold this in person conference in Albury so delegates can immerse themselves with real people working on real issues in real landscapes (which should look incredible after all this rain!).
Head to our website to buy tickets at the special early bird price. This pricing will be available until Friday 18 February 2022.