Feb 3, 2021 | News
The deadline to submit articles for the APC autumn issue was Monday 1 February, but don’t worry there is still plenty of time to get your articles in for the winter issue! There is no specific theme, articles on any plant conservation topic are welcome. The APC editor is encouraging submission of articles describing post fire responses of plants and ecological communities. For more information on submitting articles please visit this web page or email the APC editor Heidi Zimmer. The winter issue submission deadline is 1 May 2021.
Feb 3, 2021 | News
Numerous sites and ecological communities in Queensland and New South Wales, have been surveyed to determine the susceptibility and impact of myrtle rust on Myrtaceae species regenerating after the 2019-20 bushfires. Funding has been extended for the project which means a second round of assessments can be conducted at each site. Researcher Dr Geoff Pegg gave a presentation about the project as part of the 2020 environmental biosecurity webinar series. Watch the recording of the Myrtle rust webinar here.
Feb 3, 2021 | News
Post-fire survival surveys have been completed for 13 of the 14 target orchid species, with surveys for the final species to be undertaken in the first week of February. Collections of seed have been undertaken for 11 of the 14 target orchid species, with the remainder to be conducted during January-March. Mycorrhizal fungi collections have been made for all but one of the 14 orchid species and studies on reproductive biology are underway.