Find out more about the ANPC’s Threatened Plant Translocation Guidelines in these three short videos!
Dr Lucy Commander – Project Manager Translocation Guidelines
Dr Judy West – Executive Director, Australian National Botanic Gardens
Dr Lucy Commander – Project Manager Translocation Guidelines
Dr Judy West – Executive Director, Australian National Botanic Gardens
Many of Australia’s native plants are threatened and we need your help to promote and improve their conservation. The ANPC brings together plant conservationists from all walks of life to inform and inspire each other in our efforts to save Australia’s plants, especially those threatened with extinction. Donate today and support the network of people working in plant conservation. The ANPC is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission so donations of $2 or more are tax-deductible! Please donate here and help us grow.
An ANPC Threatened Plant Translocation Workshop was held on Friday 3 May at the Environment Institute at The University of Adelaide, with 12 speakers presenting to a total of 57 participants. Material in the new Guidelines for the Translocation of Threatened Plants in Australia was covered as well as 7 local South Australian translocation case studies and a lively panel discussion. The range of speakers presented on topics such as translocation policies and requirements for approvals in South Australia, preparing a translocation proposal, collecting, testing and storing seed, and more. Thank you to our sponsors at the South Australian Murray-Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board (through NRM levy funding), The University of Adelaide and the Threatened Species Recovery Hub. Read more.
Nineteen threatened plant translocation case studies have recently been published on the new ANPC website. Originally published in Australasian Plant Conservation in 2018 and early 2019, excerpts from these case studies are presented in the new 3rd edition of the ANPC’s Guidelines for the Translocation of Threatened Plants in Australia. Download the PDFs here.
We are currently proofreading the next edition of Australasian Plant Conservation which will publish papers from our 12th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference. Join or renew your ANPC membership today to receive this edition as soon as it’s released! Joining the ANPC is now easier than ever with our new online membership form. Some of our high priority projects for 2019 include promoting our new 3rd edition of the Guidelines for Translocation of Threatened Plants in Australia holding Threatened Plant Translocation workshops, launching our National Seed Survey Report, improving the supply of native seed in NSW, seeking funding for the review and updating of the our Germplasm Guidelines, Stage 2 of the Bring Back the Banksias project, our two orchid conservation projects with Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria Saving the threatened Audas Spider-orchid (Caladenia audasii) from extinction and Saving the Brilliant Sun Orchid (Thelymitra mackibbinii) from extinction, and planning the 13th Australasian Plant Conservation Conference (APCC13) to be held in 2020.